P K Sasidharan
Govternment Medical College Kozhikode, India
Title: ‘Kozhikode Criteria’ for diagnosing SLE as a haematological disorder
Biography: P K Sasidharan
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), is an autoimmune disease in which cells and tissues undergo damage mediated by tissue binding auto antibodies. At its onset it may involve any one organ alone or more than organs simultaneously; over a time additional manifestations due to involvement of multiple organs may occur. The criteria used till 2012 was the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Criteria, which is only a classification criteria and not really for diagnosis; if we rely on ACR criteria, the diagnosis is often delayed denying the benefit of early treatment. Time required for satisfying all 4 of the 11 criteria is variable and prolonged. Moreover hematological manifestations, which are commoner than other manifestations, are underrepresented in the ACR criteria. Based on the clinical observations made on patients evaluated in our tertiary center in North Kerala, an alternate diagnostic criteria named the ” Kozhikode Criteria” was proposed. The present study was an attempt to validate the same and to look for any association of diet and lifestyle to the disease