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Austin Bigley

Austin Bigley

VP Director of Research and Development, Indapta, USA


Austin Bigley is the V.P. Director of Research & Development at Indapta Therapeutics where he developed the donor screening and cellular expansion protocols for Indapta’s g-NK cell platform. Austin has been extensively published in the NK-cell space over the past 12 years and has worked with major players, such as Dr. Nina Shah and Dr. Katy Rezvani at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. Austin’s primary research goal is to harness adaptive NK-cell responses for cancer immunotherapy against a variety of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. In addition to his work in cancer immunotherapy, Austin was the first to demonstrate that NK-cell anti-tumor activity is elevated during exercise recovery and that NK-cell activity is impaired during spaceflight


Abstract : Utilizing the Superior Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity, Effector Functions, & Improved Persistence of g-NK Cells When Compared to Conventional NK cells