Theme: Research strategies, advanced technologies and upcoming challenges in Hematology
Hematology 2015
OMICS International is overwhelmed to announce the commencement of its 6th consecutive Hematology conference, "6th International Conference on Hematology &Lymph” during November 14-16, 2016 at San Francisco , USA. The upcoming conference will be organized around the theme “Evaluating the information on the foremost & provokes in hematology”.
Hematology-2016 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Blood components, Blood Disorders, Hemophilia, Blood malignance, Blood Oncology, Stem cell transplantation, Blood transfusion, Diagnosis & therapies of diseases, Development of the drugs, Lymphatic system, Antigen & Antibody reactions and Haematology researches.
Blood- Components and Functions:
The blood contains of the erythrocytes, leukocytes, Red blood cells, White blood cells, Complete blood count, plasma cells, and platelets. Sometimes when the blood of two people is mixed together, it clumps or forms visible islands in the liquid plasma--the red cells become attached to one another this is agglutination which results in formation of fibrins. Erythrocytes are also known as red blood cells which carry oxygen to the body and collect carbon dioxide from the body by the use of haemoglobin and its life span of 120 days. along the side the leucocytes helps in protecting the healthy cells because the white blood cells (leucocytes) act as the defending cells in protecting the immune system from the foreign cells
Related conference:
5th world congress on Hemophilia at UK from June 06-08, 2016. 4th International conference on Blood malignance and Treatment at UAE from April 18-20, 2016. Global Summit on Melanoma and Carcinoma at Australia from July 14-15, 2016. Cancer Diagnostics Conference & Expo Rome, Italy from June 13-15, 2016. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics, at USA from September 26-28, 2016. Society for Haematology and stem cells 44th annual scientific meeting 2015, at Japan from September 17-19, 2015. Hellenic Society of Haematology 26th National Congress 2015 at Athens from November 12th –14th, 2015. British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis Annual Meeting 2015 at UK from November 12th -14th, 2015. Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer's Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy 2015 at USA on December 4th 2015. American Society of Haematology 57th Annual Meeting 2015 at USA from December 5th – 8th, 2015. Scripps’ 36th Annual Conference Clinical Haematology & Oncology 2016 at USA from February 13th – 16th, 2016.
Hematology oncology is the most important part of Haematology research, a major part of blood based researches is carried out in this field. Lymphatic leukemic which effect the white blood cells (w.b.c) they are closely related to the lymphomas and some of them are unitary diseases which related to the adult T cells leukaemia these come under the lymph proliferative disorders. The cancer which originates from white blood cells are called as lymphoma and this disorder is mainly seen in Hodgkin lymphoma these diseases are treated by radiation and chemotherapy, or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The cancer which starts with in the cell is called as Non Hodgkin lymphocytes and these lymphocytes are of lymph nodes. The bone marrow which develops too many white blood cells leads to multiple myeloma. The further details on malignance are been discussed in Haematology oncology conference.
Related conferences:
2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer and Treatment at USA May 05-07, 2016. 6th World Congress on Cancer Therapy at USA from December 01-03, 2016. Experts Meeting on Gynaecologic Oncology at USA May 19-21, 2016. International Conference on Pancreatic and Colorectal Cancer at USA from March 29-30, 2016. 10th Global Annual Oncologists Meeting at Germany from July 11-13,2016. 2th European Congress on Hematologic Malignancies at Spain from February 2016. 17th Annual John Goldman Conference on Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia at Portugal from October 01-04,2015. International Conference on Aging and Haematological Malignancies: Biology and Therapy at Greece from March 11 -13, 2016. 3rd International Conference on Multiple Myeloma at Italy from October 07- 09, 2016.
Hemato-immunology & Stem Cell Research:
Blood groups are of ABO type and but at present the Rh blood grouping of 50 well defined antigens in which 5 are more important they are D,C,c,E and e and Rh factors are of Rh positive and Rh negative which refers to the D-antigen. These D-antigen helps in prevention of erythroblast fetalis lacking of Rh antigen it defined as negative and presences of Rh antigen in blood leads to positive these leads to rh incompatibility. The prevention treatment of diseases related to the blood is called as the Hematology. The hematologists conduct works on cancer to. The disorder of immune system leading to hypersensitivity is called as Clinical Immunology and the abnormal growth of an infection are known as Inflammation and the arise of an abnormal immune response to the body or an immune suppression are known as Auto immune disorder.
Related Conferences:
2nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics at USA from March 31-April 02, 2016. 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Immunology at USA from September 28-30, 2015. International Conference on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy at Australia from July 28th -30th ,2016. 6th World Congress on Cell & Stem Cell Research at USA from February 29th – March 02nd, 2016. 5th International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine at Germany, from September 12-14, 2016. 20th Training Course on Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation at Hungary from May 11 - 14, 2016. . 5th International Conference on Myelodysplastic Syndromes at Portugal from April 14 -16, 2016. 7th International Conference on Myeloproliferative Neoplasms at Portugal from October 27 - 29, 2016. 2015 World Stem Cell Summit & REGMED Capital Conference at USA from December 10-12, 2015. Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) 8th Annual Meeting at Australia from November 8-10, 2015.
Blood Transplantation, Thrombosis and Hemostasis:
The umbilical cord is a conduit between the developing embryo or fetus and the placenta. The umbilical vein supplies the fetus with nutrient-rich blood from the placenta The hematopoietic bone marrow transplant, the HSC are removed from a large bone of the donor, typically the pelvis, through a large need let that reaches the center of the bone. Acute myeloid leukaemia is a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells, characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells and the Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system. The Hemostatic is a process which causes bleeding to stop, meaning to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel this is the first stage of wound healing.
Related Conferences:
International Conference and Exhibition on Transplantation Research & Techniques at USA from March 28-29, 2016. 5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices at UAE from April 25-27, 2016. International Conference and Exhibition on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at USA from October 03-05, 2016. 5th world congress on Hemophilia at UK from June 06-08, 2016. 4th International conference on Blood malignance and Treatment at UAE from April 18-20, 2016. 6th International Eurasian Haematology Congress at Turkey from October 14th -18th 2015, Japanese Society of Haematology 77th Annual Meeting at Japan from October 16th- 18th 2015. Portuguese Society of Haematology Annual Meeting at Portugal from November 12- 14,2015. Hellenic Society of Haematology 26th National Congress at Greece from November 12-14, 2015. American Society of Hematology 57th Annual Meeting at United States from November 16-18 2015. 10th Dutch Haematology Congress at Netherlands from January 20-22, 2016.
Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Blood Disorders:
Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to specialised medical care for people with serious illnesses The spleen, similar in structure to a large lymph node, acts as a blood filter. Anticoagulants (antithrombics) are a class of drugs that work to prevent the coagulation (clotting) of blood. Some anticoagulants are used in medical equipment, such as test tubes ,blood transfusion bags, and renal dialysis equipment. An vena cava filter is a type of vascular filter, a medical device that is implanted by interventional radiologists or vascular surgeons into the inferior vena cava to presumably prevent life-threatening pulmonary emboli is therapy using ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells.
Related conferences:
Specialists Meeting on Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders at Spain from November 03-05, 2016. International Conference on Anaesthesia and Intensive CareTreatment at USA from September 12-14, 2016. 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery at UAE from October 05-07, 2015. International Conference on Hospice & Palliative Care at USA August 25-27, 2016. Blood malignance and Treatment at UAE from April 18-20, 2016. IPFA/BCA 2nd Global Symposium on "The Future for Blood and Plasma Donations at USA from September 28-29, 2015. WFH Global Forum On Research and Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders at Quebec from October 22-23, 2015. European School of Transfusion Medicine residential course learning the best ways for caring for blood donor: the significance of this for safer blood and better European Transfusion Medicine at Italy from December 2-6, 2015. 56th Annual meeting of the Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion at INDIA in November,2015. EHC Annual Conference 2015 at Serbia from October 2-3, 2015.
Blood Disorders and Blood Oncology:
Hemophilia A is a genetic deficiency in clotting factor VIII, which causes increased bleeding and usually affects males. About 70% of the time it is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait, but around 30% of cases arise from spontaneous mutations. Hemophilia B is a blood clotting disorder caused by a mutation of the factor IX gene, leading to a deficiency of factor IX. It is the second-most common form of haemophilia, rarer than haemophilia A. It is sometimes called Christmas disease, named after Stephen Christmas, the first patient described with this disease.In addition, the first report of its identification was published in the Christmas edition of the British Medical Journal. Hemophilia C is a mild form of haemophilia affecting both sexes. However, it predominantly occurs in Jews of Ashkenazi descent. It is the fourth most common coagulation disorder after von Willebrand's disease and haemophilia A and B. In the USA it is thought to affect 1 in 100,000 of the adult population, making it 10% as common as haemophilia A. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), also known as immune thrombocytopenia, primary immune thrombocytopenia,primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura or autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, is defined as isolated low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) with normal bone marrow and the absence of other causes of thrombocytopenia Von Willebrand diseases is the most common hereditary coagulation abnormality described in humans.
Related Conferences:
Blood malignance and Treatment at UAE from April 18-20, 2016. International Conference on Leukaemia and Bone marrow Transplantation at Turkey from November 10-12, 2016 . Global Summit on Melanoma and Carcinoma at Australia from July 14-15, 2016. International Conference on Pancreatic and Colorectal Cancer at USA from March 29-30, 2016. 11th Asia-Pacific Oncologists Annual Meeting at Malaysia from July 11-13, 2016. 4th International Conference on Immunotherapy in Pediatric Oncology at United States from September 25-26 , 2015. 9th Annual Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Advanced Conference at United Kingdom from October 07th -210th, 2015. VI Inter American Oncology Conference 'Current Status and Future of Anti-Cancer Targeted Therapies at Argentina from October 08-09, 2015. Synergy 2015: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Interventional Oncology at United States from November 05-08, 2015. Haematology — Management Issues in Haematological Disorders in Adults at United Kingdom from November 23rd 2015.
New Drug Development in Haematology:
The development of antibiotic resistance in particular stems from the drugs targeting only specific bacterial molecules. Because the drug is so specific, any mutation in these molecules will interfere with or negate its destructive effect, resulting in antibiotic resistance. Known as Drug delivery Conditions treated with combination therapy include tuberculosis, leprosy, cancer, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. One major benefit of combination therapies is that they reduce development of drug resistance, since a pathogen or tumor is less likely to have resistance to multiple drugs simultaneously. Artemisinin-based monotherapies for malaria are explicitly discouraged to avoid the problem of developing resistance to the newer treatment. Drug Induced Blood Disorders causes of sickle cell anemia,pale skin non steroids anti-inflammatory drugs which causes ulcers Using drug repositioning, pharmaceutical companies have achieved a number successes, for example Pfizer's Viagra in erectile dysfunction and Celgene's thalidomide in severe erythema nudism leprous.
Related Conferences:
4th International Conference on Translational Medicine at USA from October 26-28, 2015. 2nd Global Summit on Telemedicine & eHealth at Turkey from October 31-November 2, 2016. World Congress on Health & Medical Sociology at Italy from September 06-07, 2016. International Conference and Exhibition on Nano medicine and Nanotechnology in Health Care at Thailand from July 25-27, 2016. 3rd International Conference on Health Informatics and Technology at USA June 27-29, 2016. 6th World Specific Antibody Summit at USA from September 22-24, 2015. 20th World Congress on Advances in Oncology at Greece from October 08-10, 2015. 18th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine at Greece from October 08-10, 2015. South Africa Meeting on Translational Cancer Research at South Africa from October 12-16,2015. Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy in Haematology and Oncology: Current Successes and Challenges at United Kingdom from October 19th -20th, 2015.
Transfusion Medicine and Haematology research:
Lymphatic diseases this is a type of cancer of the lymphatic system. It can start almost any where in the body. It's believed to be caused by HIV, Epstein-Barr Syndrome, age and family history. Symptoms include weight loss, fever, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, itchy skin, fatigue, chest pain, coughing and/or trouble swallowing. The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph directionally towards the heart. The lymphatic system was first described in the seventeenth century independently by Olaus Rudbeck and Thomas Bartholin. Unlike the cardiovascular system the lymphatic system is not a closed system. The human circulatory system processes an average of 20 litres of blood per day through capillary filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 litres of the filtered plasma get reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining 3 litres are left behind in the interstitial fluid. One of the main functions of the lymph system is to provide an accessory return route to the blood for the surplus 3 litres. Lymphatic diseases are of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Hodgkins.
Related Conferences:
4th International Conference on Translational Medicine at USA from October 26-28, 2015. International Conference on Precision Medicine at USA from November 03-05, 2016. International Conference and Exhibition on Medical Writing and Healthcare Communications at UAE from April 28-29, 2016. Nano medicine and Nanotechnology in Health Care at Thailand from July 25-27, 2016. 3rd International Conference on Health Informatics and Technology at USA June 27-29, 2016. 6th World Specific Antibody Summit at USA from September 22-24, 2015. 20th World Congress on Advances in Oncology at Greece from October 08-10, 2015. 18th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine at Greece from October 08-10, 2015. South Africa Meeting on Translational Cancer Research at South Africa from October 12-16, 2015. Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy in Haematology and Oncology Current Successes and Challenges at United Kingdom from October 19th -20th, 2015.
Various Aspects of Haematology:
Pediatric Haematology covers all aspects of pediatrichematology and oncology. It includes immunology, pathology, and pharmacology in relation to blood diseases and cancer in children and shows how basic experimental research can contribute to the understanding of clinical problems. Physicians specialized in hematology are known as hematologists or haematologists. Their routine work mainly includes the care and treatment of patients with hematological diseases, although some may also work at the hematology laboratory viewing blood films and bone marrow slides under the microscope, interpreting various hematological test results and blood clotting test results. In some institutions, hematologists also manage the hematology laboratory. Physicians who work in haematology laboratories, and most commonly manage them, are pathologists specialized in the diagnosis of hematological diseases, referred to as hematopathologists or haematopathologists. Experimental Hematology is another important part of blood based reserach carried out throughout the world.
Related conferences:
5th world congress on Hemophilia at UK from June 06-08, 2016. 4th International conference on Blood malignance and Treatment at UAE from April 18-20, 2016. Global Summit on Melanoma and Carcinoma at Australia from July 14-15, 2016. Cancer Diagnostics Conference & Expo Rome, Italy from June 13-15, 2016. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics, at USA from September 26-28, 2016. Society for Haematology and stem cells 44th annual scientific meeting 2015, at Japan from September 17-19, 2015. Hellenic Society of Haematology 26th National Congress 2015 at Athens from November 12th –14th, 2015. British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis Annual Meeting 2015 at UK from November 12th -14th, 2015. Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer's Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy 2015 at USA on December 4th 2015. American Society of Haematology 57th Annual Meeting 2015 at USA from December 5th – 8th, 2015. Scripps’ 36th Annual Conference Clinical Haematology & Oncology 2016 at USA from February 13th – 16th, 2016.
Effect of Advanced Technologies on Blood Based Products:
A blood substitute is a substance used to mimic and fulfill some functions of biological blood. It aims to provide an alternative to blood transfusion, which is transferring blood or blood-based products from one person into another. Thus far, there are no well-accepted oxygen-carrying blood substitutes, which is the typical objective of a red blood cell transfusion; however, there are widely available non-blood volume expanders for cases where only volume restoration is required. These are helping doctors and surgeons avoid the risks of disease transmission and immune suppression, address the chronic blood donor shortage, and address the concerns of Jehovah's Witnesses and others who have religious objections to receiving transfused blood. Pathogen reduction using riboflavin and UV light is a method by which infectious pathogens in blood for transfusion are inactivated by adding riboflavin and irradiating withUV light. This method reduces the infectious levels of disease-causing agents that may be found in donated blood components, while still maintaining good quality blood components for transfusion. This type of approach to increase blood safety is also known as “pathogen inactivation” in the industry.
Related Conferences:
3rd International Conference on Health Informatics and Technology at USA June 27-29, 2016. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics, at USA from September 26-28, 2016. Nano medicine and Nanotechnology in Health Care at Thailand from July 25-27, 2016. 4th International Conference on Translational Medicine at USA from October 26-28, 2015. 2nd Global Summit on Telemedicine & eHealth at Turkey from October 31-November 2, 2016. 6th World Specific Antibody Summit at USA from September 22-24, 2015. 20th World Congress on Advances in Oncology at Greece from October 08-10, 2015. 18th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine at Greece from October 08-10, 2015. South Africa Meeting on Translational Cancer Research at South Africa from October 12-16, 2015. Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy in Haematology and Oncology: Current Successes and Challenges at United Kingdom from October 19th -20th, 2015.
T cells (thymus cells) and B cells are the major cellular components of the adaptive immune response. T cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity, whereas B cells are primarily responsible for humoral immunity The function of T cells and B cells is to recognize specific “non-self” antigens, during a process known as antigen presentation. Once they have identified an invader, the cells generate specific responses that are tailored to maximally eliminate specific pathogens or pathogen-infected cells. The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and pH, and maintain homeostasis. Lymphatic disease is a class of disorders which directly affect the components of the lymphatic system. The thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Within the thymus, T cells or T lymphocytes mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders.
Related Conferences:
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Immunology at USA, from September 28-30, 2015. 2nd International Conference on Innate Immunity at Germany from July 21-22, 2016. International Conference on Autoimmunity at UK from October 13-15, 2016. International Conference on Lupus at USA from October 27-28, 2016. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies at USA from July 14-15, 2016. Molecular Mechanisms in Lymphatic Function & Disease at Italy from March 9-14, 2016. Asia Pacific Lymphology Conference at Australia from May 26th- 28th, 2016. 25th World Congress of Lymph ology at USA from August 31st- September 4th,2016. World Stem Cell Summit & REGMED Capital Conference at USA from December 10-12, 2015. Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) 8th Annual Meeting at Australia from November 8-10, 2015.
After the Phenomenal response received in the "International Conference on Hematology & Blood Disorders” and “2nd International Conference on Hematology & Blood Disorders” ;OMICS International is overwhelmed to announce the commencement of its third consecutive Hematology conference, "3rd International Conference on Hematology & Blood Disorders” during November 02-04, 2015 at Atlanta, USA.
The upcoming conference will be organized around the theme “Research strategies, advanced technologies and upcoming challenges in Hematology”. It is comprised of many interactive scientific sessions on different types of Blood disorders as well as various diagnostic and therapeutic advancements in this field. It is an initiative to unite the diverse research and business communities working in this field under a one roof to explore every single aspect of Hematology and Blood Diseases. Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA welcomes the hematologists, immunologists, pathologists, oncologists, research scholars, industrial professionals and student delegates from biomedical and healthcare sectors to be a part of it in Hematology conferences. According to market study, market value of Hematology at present is $15.13 billion. A major part of research is going on at the top Universities across the globe, on Hematology conference and the grants allotted for this research field is around $10.54 billion. Many companies are associated with the blood testing equipment along with various diagnostic instruments, hematologic drugs and other therapeutics, the revenue generated is around $21.1 billion on average by this companies. Besides this various societies and research labs are also associated in this research field.
OMICS International Organizes 300+ Scientific Conferences every year across USA, Europe & Asia. Besides 500 Peer reviewed, Open Access Journals, OMICS International has collaborated with more than 1000 Scientific Associations and institutions worldwide to promote information on medicine, health care and technologies. These journals are enjoying the support of over 5 million readers; a team of 30.000 eminent scholars are providing editorial support.OMICS International’s Medical Conferences provides an excellent opportunity for the budding scientists and young researchers through its special initiatives like Young Researcher Forum, Poster Presentation and E-poster and Live Streaming, B2B and Scientific Meetings.
To know more about the series of hematology conferences organize by OMICS International visit conference series website.
Why to attend?
This astonishing event at Atlanta will provide a stimulating scientific environment and a platform for the participants to exchange ideas, establish research collaboration and networking by attending the Hematology conferences. It will be amazing opportunity for the attendees to explore the beautiful city with gaining knowledge, sure to raise insights, conflate present with future and cogitate on ideas and reality in Hematology meetings. To fight aginst these hard to cure blood diseases, Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA has taken this intiative to explore every aspects of Hematology research, Hematology medicine and other noval therapeutics and diagnostic modalities.
Target Audience
Research Scholars
Industrial professionals from biomedical companies and healthcare sectors.
Student delegates from Academia and Research along with the industrial professionals
Hematology is a branch of biology that includes various research areas such as pathology, internal medicine, clinical laboratory, physiology, immunology and pediatrics. This conference will witness a conglomeration of various arenas in Hematology and as it involves a vast range of medical streams within it, this conference will be an excellent platform for interdisciplinary interactions, to exchange and share knowledge under a single roof.
The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Atlanta, USA.
For more details please visit:
Importance & Scope
Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA is expected to offer the best platform for the Hematology Meetings 2015 on expertise, researchers, students and business delegates with its well organized scientific program covering every minute detail about hematology and blood diseases, from the basic causes behind blood diseases to the latest trends in diagnostic and treatment of blood diseases and also on Hematology Oncology conferences. This international event is an effort to find a weapon against chronic disorders like blood cancer, Sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, lymphoma and myeloma and to discuss the role of Immunoglobulin in blood, antibody and antigen reactions, the red blood cell and the immunological properties of blood which gives a better insight about the associated causes and disease portfolio.
OMICS Group welcomes all the hematologists, immunologists, pathologists, oncologists, research scholars, industrial professionals and student delegates from biomedical and healthcare sectors to be a part of the esteemed Hematology Conferences. Advanced Diagnostic and therapeutic equipment along with the novel drugs for the blood diseases are an integral part of the Hematology research, hence Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA will be an excellent amalgamation of academia and industry as it involves every aspects of empirical and conceptual thinking in exploring new dimensions in this field. It is open to all types of research methodologies both from academia and industry.
Why Atlanta?
Hematology 2015, Atlanta, USA is going to be held in Atlanta, the fastest growing city in the United States (total population) with an excellent economic growth. Atlanta is considered an "alpha-" or "world city", ranking 15th among world cities and sixth in the nation with a gross domestic product of $270 billion. They are many top universities working on Hematology and Oncology but not only the universities the research on Blood & Disorders is highly growing in Atlanta when compared with other cities. The largest turnover of the Hematological products is mainly seen in Atlanta.
Hematology research is fast going in Atlanta. The funding released by the Atlanta city is more and it is around billions of $ every year not only the universities, companies but they are many hospitals related to Hematology & Oncology. The research work on Hematology is fast going when compared to other cities. They are many tourism spots in Atlanta like high museum of arts, the zoo of Atlanta. The most attractive place in Atlanta is the Georgia musuem not only museum they are greenary place like Atlanta botanical garden.
So vist to Atlanta to explore the beautiful city, gain knowledge and share your ideas.
Conference Highlights
Blood- Components and functions
Hematologic Malignancies
Hemato-immunology & stem cell research
Blood Transplantation ,Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Blood Disorders
Blood Disorders & Blood Oncology
New Drug Development in Heamatology
Transfusion Medicine and heamatology research
Various Aspects of Heamatology
Effect of Advanced Technologies on Blood Based Products
Lymph and Associated Diseases
Associations in Atlanta
12th annual conference of Hematology
Surburban Hematology & oncology associations
Platelet association of Hematology
Pedimont Cancer association for Hematology
Associations of VA Hematology & Oncology
Charleston association for Hematology & Oncology
Atlanta Cancer association for Hematology
Georgia Cancer association for Hematology
Winship Cancer association
Childhood Cancer association
Associations in USA
56th Annual meeting of American Society
Michigan society of Hematology
ASH Education program on Hematology
Hematology Oncology society of Ohio
International society for Experimental Hematology
The Division of Hematology & Oncology
International society for Laboratory Hematology
Medical college for Wisconsin Hematology & Oncology
The British Committee for Hematology & Oncology
International society for Thrombosis & Hemostasis
Pan-European and International Partners of Hematology
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
American Diabetes Association
American Society of Hematology
American Association of Blood Banks
American Cancer Society
Associations In Worldwide
United Kingdom Thalassemia Society
British Society for Haematology
Life South Community Blood Centers
Shepard Community Blood Center
Southeastern Community Blood Center
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World congress of the International society of Hematology
International society of Hematology
World federation of Hemophilia
European Hematology Associations
XXXV World congress of the International Society
33rd International Society of Hematology
XXXI World congress of the International society of Hematology
Malaysian society of Hematology
Armenian associations of Hematology & Oncology
Japanese society of Hematology
Universities In Atlanta
American Intercontinental University
Clark Atlanta University
Emory University
Devry University
Georgia institute University
Georgia state University
Interdenominational Theological University
John Marshall University
Mercer University
Morehouse University
American National University
Art Institute University
Atlanta Metropolitan University
Bauder University
Chamberlain University
Herzing University
Morehouse University
Morris Brown University
Sarvannah University
The Salvation Army Evangeline Booth
Universities in USA
Emory University School of Medicine
Morehouse School of Medicine
Mercer University School of Medicine
Georgia Regents University Medical College of Georgia
Harvard University
University of Michigan
Yale University
Stanford University
Maryland Marlene University
Stewart Greene Baum University
Arizona University
Alabama University
Cincinnati University
Thomas Jefferson University
Colorado University
Vermont University
Feinberg University
Chicago University
University of California & San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of IIIinois
Universities In Worldwide
University of Oxford
The University of Melbourne
University of Glasgow
Fudan University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
European School of Hematology
The University of Tokyo
Osaka University
University of Bari
Stanford University
University of Minnesota
University of Albert
University of Nebraska
University of IOWA CARVER
University of Pennsylvania
Southwestern University
University of Pittsburgh
Northwest University of Finberg
University of Helsinki
University of Penn Medicine
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Irvine
Companies In Atlanta
Alanta Hematology& Oncology
Metro Hematology & Oncology
Oncology & Hematology center of Atlanta
Peach tree Hematology
Spencer S Bewer
Winship Cancer institue
American citizen associations
American chemical association
Atlanta Hematology & Oncology associations
Companies In USA
Johnson & Johnson -
Eli Lilly & Co
Abbott Laboratories
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Biogen Idec
Anavex life science
Avax Technologies
Amico Laboratories
Companies In Worldwide
Dymind biotech
Accubiotech ltd
Perlong medical
Abbott diagnostic
IDEXX laboratories
Nihon Khonden
BECKMAN diagnostic
Human diagnostics
QBC Diagnostics
Diatron groups
Hospitals in Atlanta
Childerns health care
Gardy memorial
Atlanta medical center
Emory hospital
Select specality
Atlanta central mediacl research
Laurel medical
Piedmont Atlanta hospital
South Fulton mediacl
Welsely woods geriatic
Deklab medical
Northside hospital
Hospitals in USA
Presbyterian Hospital
Johns Hopikan
Mayo Clinic
Vijaya group
Sheba medical
Cleveland clinic
Hospitals in Worldwide
Leiden University Medical Center
Royal Cancer Hospital
King’s College Hospital
Clatterbridge Center for Oncology
Northampton General Hospital
Cambridge University Hospitals
University Hospital Southhampton
Central Manchester University Hospitals
Southend University Hospital
Kingston Hospitals
Bradford Hospital
Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana
Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris
Paterson Institute On Cancer Research,UK
Christie Hospitals
Wellington Hospital
Imperial College Hospital
Curie Institute
The Royal Marsden Hospital in London, England
Glance at Market of Hematology
According to market study, market value of Hematology at present is $15.13 billion. A major part of research is going on at the top Universities across the globe, on Hematology conference and the grants allotted for this research field is around $10.54 billion. Many companies are associated with the blood testing equipment along with various diagnostic instruments, hematologic drugs and other therapeutics, the revenue generated is around $21.1 billion on average by this companies. Besides this various societies and research labs are also associated in this research field. More than 40% research work on Hematology is going on in USA, as around 176 Universities in USA are working in this field, along with 24 Societies, besides that there are almost 40 companies in USA which deals with diagnostic and testing equipment. Market value of Hematology at present in USA is $3.13 billion at present, university grants allotted by government is about $2.10 billion and average revenue generated by the industries in USA is $8.1billion. The global hematology market is divided into hematology products, Hematolgy Oncology conference & hematology services. The hematology products segment holds the largest share of the hematology market in 2015. Hematology Oncoloogy conference-2015 it is also expected to grow at the highest growth rate by next five years, owing to the increasing development of new hematology reagents. In addition, to Hematology conference -2015 is based on the end-users, the global hematology market has been segmented into commercial organizations , stand-alone hospitals, research institutes, and clinical testing labs. The clinical testing labs hold the largest share of the Hematology market 2015.
Conference Highlights
- Blood- Components and Functions
- Hematologic Malignancies
- Hemato-immunology & Stem Cell Research
- Blood Transplantation, Thrombosis and Hemostasis
- Blood Disorders and Blood Oncology
- Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Blood Disorders
- New Drug Development in Haematology
- Transfusion Medicine and Haematology Research
- Various Aspects of Haematology
- Effect of Advanced Technologies on Blood Based Products
- Lymph and Associated Diseases
- Tropical Blood Disorders
To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.
To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date | November 02-04, 2015 | ||
Sponsors & Exhibitors |
Speaker Opportunity Closed | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 |
Poster Opportunity Closed | Click Here to View |
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Special Issues
All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Our International Journals.
- Journal of Blood Disorders & Transfusion
- Journal of Blood & Lymph
- Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases
Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by