Hematologic Disorders in Pregnancy

Anemia is the most common maternal problem during pregnancy. Anemia is a variation in hemoglobin concentration.

Pregnant woman will lose blood during delivery and the puerperium, and an anemic woman is at increased risk of blood transfusion and its related conditions.

During pregnancy, the blood volume increases by approximately 50% and the red blood cell mass by approximately 33%. This relatively greater increase in plasma volume results in a lower hematocrit but does not truly represent anemia.

Anemia in pregnancy most commonly results from a nutritional deficiency in either iron or folate. Pernicious anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency almost never occurs during pregnancy. Other anemias occurring during pregnancy include anemia of chronic disease; anemia due to hemoglobinopathy; immune, or drug-induced hemolytic anemia; and aplastic anemia.

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